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These sample policies and tools have been created by School of Government faculty and are intended to provide local governments a general guide to drafting policies that are consistent with the Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR Part 200, and the U.S. Department of Treasury regulations applicable to Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. Use of these sample policies does not create an attorney client relationship with the UNC School of Government or its faculty members. Local governments must to work with their attorneys to modify these policies as necessary to reflect local needs and capabilities.

Uniform Guidance: Eligibility

Summary of Required UG Policies for Governing Board (shared by Guildford County)

Project and Expenditure Report Tracking Template (updated to reflect new Expenditure Categories as reflected in the February guidance from US Treasury)

Project and Expenditure Report Tracking Template for Revenue Replacement (added 4/14/22)

Project Eligibility Determination and Documentation Template

Sample Grant Project Ordinance for Revenue Replacement and Supplanting

Sample Eligible Use Policy

Supplanting Salaries: A Checklist (added 7/7/22)

Roadmap for Revenue Replacement (added 9/26/22)

Uniform Guidance: Allowable Costs

Sample Cost Principles/Allowable Cost Policy

Sample Program Income Policy (updated 8/10/22) (As of July, 2022, Treasury clarified in the FAQs that the program income requirements of 2 CFR 200.307 do not apply under revenue loss eligible use category. As such, recipients may maintain program income, which will not be considered an addition to the federal award.)

Individual Personnel Activity Report Form

Individual Time and Effort Certification

Uniform Guidance: Procurement and Conflicts of Interest

Sample Conflicts of Interest Policy (updated 7/15/22)

Sample Contract Clause Addendum (updated 4/19/22)

Uniform Guidance: Additional Policies Applicable to the ARP/CSLFRF Award

Sample Property Management Policy

Sample Records Retention Policy

Sample Nondiscrimination Policy

Sample Subaward Policy and Subrecipient Monitoring Tools

Additional Helpful Tools

Local Government Support for Private Affordable Housing – Charts

ARPA/SLFRF for Affordable Housing – Charts (through FAQ 3/29/2024)

“Great” Partnership Resolution for Broadband Infrastructure (courtesy of Rowan County)

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